Quartz Monitor Crystals - 5MHz and 6 MHz

100% In House Production

We control every production step in the manufacture of our Quartz Monitor Crystals, from the supply of the high Q raw Quartz to the precise Wire Saws used to cut the primary wafers.

Add to this a strictly controlled lapping and contouring process and you have the foundation for a superior Quartz Monitor Crystal.

By using our six stage proprietary washing process and angstrom level accuracy electrode plating, in a class 1000 clean room, we achieve a truly advanced Quartz Monitor Crystal of exceptional quality.

Quartz Monitor Crystals

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Quartz Monitor Crystals

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Chrome / Gold Quartz Monitor Specifications

Marking Frequency 6.000MHz 6.000MHz 5.000MHz 5.000MHz
Nominal Frequency
5.983MHz 5.983MHz 4.960MHz 4.995MHz
Adjustment Tolerance ±7KHz@25°C ±5KHz@25 °C
Crystal Cutting AT IT AT AT
Oscillation Mode
Fundamental Mode
Resonance Resistance <15Ω
Shunt capacitance <7 pF
Operating Temperature
0°C ˜ +70°C
Storage Temperature
-40°C ˜ +105°C
Diameter 13.97mm±0.03mm 12.45mm±0.03mm
Electrode of Plane Side
Chrome (Cr) / Gold (Au)
Electrode of Convex Side Chrome (Cr) / Gold (Au)

Aluminium / Silver and Chrome / Silver Quartz Monitor Specification

Aluminium/Silver Chrome/Silver
Marking Frequency 6.000MHz 6.000MHz 5.000MHz
Nominal Frequency 5.983MHz 5.983MHz 4.960MHz
Adjustment Tolerance ±7KHz@25°C ±7KHz@25°C
Crystal Cutting AT AT
Oscillation Mode Fundamental Mode Fundamental Mode
Resonance Resistance <15 Ω <15 Ω
Shunt capacitance <7 pF <7 pF
Operating Temperature 0°C ˜ +70°C 0°C ˜ +70°C
Storage Temperature -40°C ˜ +105°C -40°C ˜ +105°C
Diameter 13.97mm±0.03mm 13.97mm±0.03mm
Electrode of Plane Side Aluminium (Al) / Silver (Ag) Chrome (Cr) / Silver (Ag)
Electrode of Convex Side Aluminium (Al) / Silver (Ag) Chrome (Cr) / Silver (Ag)

Blank Quartz Monitor Crystal Specification

Marking Frequency 6.000MHz 5.000MHz
Nominal Frequency 6.060MHz 5.010MHz 5.040MHz 5.050MHz 5.050MHz
Adjustment Tolerance ±10 KHz@25°C
Material Top Grade Z bar
Crystal Cutting AT IT AT AT AT
Oscillation Mode Fundamental Mode
Resonance Resistance <15 Ω <15 Ω <20 Ω <20 Ω <20 Ω
Diopter 205 106
Angle 35 ° 15' ±2' 19° 06' ±5' 35° 08' 15" ±1' 35 ° 15' ±1' 35 ° 15' ±1'
35° 15' ±2'
Operating Temperature 0°C ˜ +70°C
Storage Temperature -40°C ˜ +105°C
Diameter (±0.03mm) 13.97mm 12.45mm 13.97mm